Get Involved

Thank you for showing interest to get involved in this endeavour to showcase the efforts to conserve India's Living Traditions and highlight their relationship to sustainability. We would be happy to hear from you about work being done to conserve some of our treasured and not so treasured heritage – arts, crafts, magic tricks, languages, cuisines, dances, anything. Tell us what you know about institutions, experts, government sponsored schemes, research projects, status reports, audio/video and web materials and specific conservation programmes, museums, cases studies on conservation

All you need to do is download the relevant form, fill in the details and send it to us at [email protected]. In addition we would like a brief paragraph which describes the effort you would like us to put up on the website. If possible do mention its linkage to environmental sustainability. Please do remember to send photographs or any digital resources you may want uploaded on the website. If you want to send us a CD you can post it to the address below.

Parampara Team
Centre for Environment Education
Nehru Foundation for Development
Thaltej Tekra,
Ahmedabad- 380054
Email: [email protected]

Click and Save the following links for Entry Formats