
CCRT Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme

The Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme is implemented at the national level.

A limited number of scholarships available are available to exceptionally talented and outstanding students who have a minimum four years' training in the field of art form in which scholarship is being applied, either with a guru or in an institution is essential.

Students applying for Performing Arts are required to submit a certificate from the Guru/teacher imparting training. Scholarships are given to students in folk, traditional and indigenous art forms. Students in traditional art forms, crafts, traditions facing extinction and belonging to families of practising traditional performing arts are given preference.

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Contributed by: Aditya, CEE Ahmedabad

Integrated Handloom Cluster Development Scheme

APCO has been identified by the Government of India (GoI) as the Implementing Agency for the holistic development of the Chirala and Madhavaram clusters in Andhra Pradesh. Two more clusters viz. Puttapaka (Nalgonda district) and Kothapally (Karimnagar district) are in the pipeline.

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Tripura Bamboo Mission

An initiative of the Government of Tripura, the Tripura Bamboo Mission has been set up to develop the bamboo sector in the state in a holistic manner. While the mission aims to double livelihood involvement and sector turnover in its project period of three years, the strategies adopted by the mission include training of artisans, optimizing the end-to-end value chain spanning from plantation and resource generation to marketing of value added finished products.

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