The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), under the Ministry of Culture, is the premier organization for the archaeological research and protection of the cultural heritage of the nation. The maintenance of national monuments, archaeological sites and remains of important monuments is the prime concern of ASI.
ADITHI, an NGO, works predominantly with rural women and girl children in Bihar. The name stands for Agriculture, Dairying, Industries, Tree Plantation, Handicrafts, Handlooms and Horticulture and the Integration of women in the key economic sectors.
Aadiwasi Lok Kala Academy was established in 1980 with the objective of encouraging, preserving and developing the tribal arts. It has been carrying out in-depth research and surveys of tribal cultural traditions for many years now. The scope of this institution is to promote study of rituals, events, festivals and belief systems as part of the field of visual arts and oral tribal traditions.
When the handloom weavers of Andhra Pradesh faced problems of lack of design and marketing support, an apex society was instituted to address these twin problems. As a result, the Andhra Pradesh State Handloom Weavers' Cooperative Society Ltd. (APSHWCS), popularly called APCO, came into being as an apex society at the state level.
The Asam Sahitya Sabha was founded in 1917. Asam Sahitya Sabha is a non-profit organization in the field of Assamese Literature and the culture of Assam. The main objective of this organisation is to promote the literature and culture of Assam. The head office of Asam Sahitya Sabha is at Jorhat District of Assam. Presently, the Assam Sahitya Sabha has about one thousand branches all over Assam and some branches outside Assam.
The Asia-Pacific region is the largest of all regions of the world, both in population and land mass. It is home to the most diverse ethnicities and cultures; unfortunately, however, throughout history, there have been more ethnic conflicts than in any other region. In many places these conflicts still prevail.
The Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU), located in Tokyo, is a non-profit organisation that implements cooperative activities in the field of culture, education and international exchange, primarily for countries in Asia and the Pacific region. ACCU operates through five programme themes, viz., Intangible Cultural Heritage, Contemporary Culture, Education for All (EFA), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Cross Cultural Understanding. Its approaches include capacity building, materials development and networking.