The Asia-Pacific region is the largest of all regions of the world, both in population and land mass. It is home to the most diverse ethnicities and cultures; unfortunately, however, throughout history, there have been more ethnic conflicts than in any other region. In many places these conflicts still prevail.
APCIEU was established in 2000 with the mission of promoting peace and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific peoples through Education for International Understanding. The Centre was set up according to an agreement between UNESCO and the government of the Republic of Korea and is a UNESCO category II institute. Guided by the UNESCO Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom(1974) and the Declaration and Intergrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy(1995), APCEIU seeks to integrate individuals, communities, nations and international/global systems, and fosters a sustainable relationship between humanity and nature.
APCEIU seeks to promote regionally and internationally, EIU which strengthens participatory democracy, protection of human rights, social and economic justice, inter-cultural respect, ecological sustainability, and nonviolent and just reconciliation of conflicts. The Centre has been set up to collaborate with educators and institutions in order to expand, strengthen, and institutionalize EIU in schools and society and serve as a centre of excellence for education, training, research and development of curricula for EIU in the Asia- Pacific Region. Sharing ideas and lessons for enhancing and implementing EIU among various stakeholders through networking and partnerships is part of the mission of APCEIU.
Telling Tales from Southeast Asia and Korea, an APCIEU publication presents some of the narratives long held by the people in this region, and reflects their culture, values, and beliefs. The book is envisioned to revive stories and ways of telling them not only in schools but also in everyday life as a tool for communication, learning, and entertainment in a rapidly changing world. The Centre has also developed multimedia material like videos and games the relect cultures of the Asia Pacific region.