The Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU), located in Tokyo, is a non-profit organisation that implements cooperative activities in the field of culture, education and international exchange, primarily for countries in Asia and the Pacific region. ACCU operates through five programme themes, viz., Intangible Cultural Heritage, Contemporary Culture, Education for All (EFA), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Cross Cultural Understanding. Its approaches include capacity building, materials development and networking.
Cultural programmes aim at promoting mutual understanding and safeguarding of cultural heritage of Asia and the Pacific, through training, development of publications, concours for artists and production and promotion of material.
ACCU has developed a database of ICH of the Asia Pacific based on Tradiotional/ Folk Art in Asia and the Pacific in 2005 in cooperation with the UNESCO with the view to safeguard and promote it. Educational material that has been developed by ACCU include publications like "Animals in Asian Tradition- ICH around us", and audio visual material on folk music, musical instruments and festivals.
Source: Website