Conch Shell Craft
Conch shell craft is one of the oldest folk crafts of West Bengal. The craftsmen of conch shell products (Shankhari or Sankhakar) belong to the ancient 'Nabasakha' which is one of the so called nine craftsmen communities. The carvings on the conch shell reflect the social, mythological and historical expressions, rendered with the help of the traditional folk knowledge and technology.
Conch shell craft manufacturing is a family profession and everyone in the family takes an active part. The traditions, skills and techniques needed here are confined to family members only and is transferred within the family through practical demonstration.
Because the conch shell surface is very hard, it is difficult to work on it or cut it. Today the slicing is done largely by electric disc saws that have diamond teeth. The traditional method of cutting is very laborious. It is done with a special type of semicircular saw with a minute sharp edge called Sankher Karat. The process involves collection of raw materials, processing of the conch shell, shaping of the object with the help of tools, engraving or embossing various designs and then the polishing and completing of the product.