Traditional craftsmanship > Farrukhabad Textile Printing

Farrukhabad Textile Printing

Farrukhabad Textile Printing

The history of Farrukhabad style of printing can probably be traced back to when the city of Farrukhabad in Uttar Pradesh, was founded by the first Bangash Nawab, Muhammad Khan. The Nawab made special provision and constructed separate quarters for the guild of calico printers.

The Farrukhabad school of designs and patterns range from the classical butis (Polka dots) to the famous Persian ' Tree of Life '. The butis are often printed on a subdued background thereby making it look attractive and sparkling when tinted in solid colours. Mango (keri) pattern is made in a variety of shapes, and used in bold, medium and even fine designs. Earlier the blocks (dies) were usually made of shisham, mango and ebony; today brass blocks are used and the technique has undergone a number of changes. This school of hand printing uses both techniques — hand painting and block printing.

Due to the advent of machine based printing and the demand for novelty, this art form is under heavy pressure. Local artisans are not able to cope with the demand-supply chain and market pressures. However efforts are being channelized to uplift this traditional form of art.

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Read More on Calico Printing in India with particular reference to Farrukhabad

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