

Apatani Paddy-Fish Cultivation

Jhumeila is a type of folk song sung in Uttarakhand. Jhumeila is sung to praise the bounty nature all across the Himalayan foothill. Jhumeila has a very deep meaning as it describes the whole natural flora and fauna of the state along with the seasonal changes that it undergoes. This is why Jhumeila is not sung in any particular season rather it is sung in every season.

Jhumeila attracts people from all communities during all the major fairs and festivals - be it Baisakhi, Guru Poornima, Makar Sakranti or any other festival related to the nature. Children in their colorful garments also come and enjoy the fervor of Jhumeila.

The Jhumeila song and dance is mainly held for women, though at times men also join them.

Apatani Paddy-Fish Cultivation

Many a time, Jhumeila is accompanied by dance and is known as Jhumeila dance. The Jhumeila dance also depicts the feelings of a newly married woman, who misses the happy moments that she lived before her marriage. She yearns for the days that she spent with her parents, brothers and sisters.

The Jhumeila dance is also performed by the newly married grass cutters, who share their sorrow of parting with the loved ones. They put hands on each other’s shoulders and gently sway, accompanied by songs related to this dance.

Jhumeila being a tribal song has not got much recognition in other states but the government is trying to explore the talent of these groups by offering them platform to showcase their endowment. In the recent past many such artistes who perform Jhumeila have been given opportunities to perform in various fairs and festivals organized in various parts of the state.

Sources: www.mapsofindia.com www.aboututtarakhand.com www.india9.com

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Muslin Fabric

This gossamer light muslin fabric has found mention in the writings of many visitors to India, even as far back as the 3rd century B.C. A great deal of muslin was produced in and exported from Bengal. Dacca was the main region where cotton was cultivated due to the high humidity of the region, which prevented the delicate thread from breaking on contact with the air. The cotton spun was very white since the Brahmaputra and the Ganges Rivers have bleaching properties. The chikan workers in Bengal used this fine muslin for embroidery.

Stitches in Chikankari

Double-Star Earring, Peacock Feather's Eye, Sidhual, Makra, Mandarzi, Bulbulchashm, Tajmahal, Phooljali, Phanda, Dhoom, Gol, murri, Janjeera, Keel, Kangan, Bakhia, Dhania Patti, lambi Murri, Kapkapi, Karan Phool, Bijli, Ghaspatti, Rozan, Meharki, Kaj, Chameli, Chane ki Patti, Balda, Jora, Pachni, Tapchim Kauri, Hathkati and Daraj of various types.