Pulluvan Paattu of Kerala

Pulluvan Paattu is an art form of Kerala related to snake worship. The word pulluvan refers to a male member of the low caste group known as pulluvar; pullu means a bird of omen and hence the term probably originated as 'a person who predicts from the sound of birds'.

The art of pulluvan paattu is related to rituals of snake worship, ghost worship and magic. Snakes are extensively worshipped in Kerala in serpent temples and sacred groves. As part of the worship, kalams (large geometrical patterns drawn using rice powder, turmeric or other colourful powders on the floor to invoke a deity) are drawn, and offerings of noorum paalum (lime and milk) made to the serpent deities. This is followed by pulluvan paattu (also called naagam paattu, sarpapaattu) and sarpam thullal (a rhythmic and frenzied dance with movements often resembling that of snakes). The intensity of the sarpam thullal increases gradually with the music and at its height, their prophecies are believed to come true. The worship ends with the dancers writhing on the floor in a trance and rubbing off the kalam.

Pulluvan paattu is also performed in houses. The ritual is usually conducted on the days considered sacred to snakes like aayilyam day (the star aayilyam). There are many famous temples dedicated to snake worship in Kerala, chief among them being Mannarassala (Alleppey), Paambu Mekkattu (Thrissur) and Perlasseri (Kannur).

Ecosystem linkages

Pulluvan paattu is closely connected to nature in many ways. The subject of worship is the snake as a deity. The musical instruments used by the singers are an indigenous veena, kutam and thaalam (bell metal cymbals). The veena is made out of a hollow bamboo stick, a wooden shell and brass wire; it is played with a small bow made out of bamboo.

The kutam is a pot with a hole at the bottom which is covered with a piece of calf skin stretched over it. One end of a string is tied through two holes on the side where the skin is attached and the other end to a long stick with a small splint to elevate it. This string is plucked on to create the music.

Source: www.artkerala.weebly.com

Contributed by: Prasannan P P, CEE Kannur Field Office

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