Gujari Bazaar
Gujari Bazaar, now also known as 'Ravivari' can be seen as a traditional form of modern shopping malls. Spread on the eastern bank of the river Sabarmati near Ellis bridge the Bazaar accommodates more than 1200 traders one third of which are women, most of them selling used items, though recently there are traders who also sells fresh goods. Starting from a small pin to large furniture, handicraft items to electrical tools anything you name it, you get it here. A visit to Ravivari is considered a must for new home owners to furnish their homes in a pocket-friendly way.
Mata Ni Pachedi
Shri Manubhai Chitara and his family has been following this tradition of making the Mata ni Pachedi for more than 10 decades. The style of this artwork is drawn from the Kalamkari paintings. The method involves drawing on a cotton cloth with a stick made from the date plant with natural dyes. The motifs are drawn from Hindu goddesses and the cloth is made to hang behind the holy idol of the goddess. Today this is a showpiece that is found in many an art lovers home. The cloth is something that is offered as a token of gratitude to the goddess by those who seek her blessings especially during Navratri.
Patola Silk Textiles of Patan
Double Ikat Silk Textiles of Patan, Gujarat are famous as 'Patola'. They are produced in the cities of Patany and Vadodara, situated in Patan and Vadodara districts respectively, in the state of Gujarat. There are only four existing Patola-making families striving to save the craft in the face of many threats - huge investment of time and money, low returns, and lack of interest for continuing the craft among the younger generations. Historically, Patola was a prestigious item of Indian export to Indonesia and Malaysia where it was used as a symbol of power and authority and even attributed protective, curative and magical powers. Patola silk textiles are produced by resist dyeing of warp and weft threads before weaving, a complex process known as double ikat which is also practised in other parts of India and abroad. However, Patola of Patan (Gujarat) is unique in its geometric floral and figurative patterns executed with precision of design planning, and meticulously accurate weaving alignment which results in precise outline of the patterns. This requires immense visualisation and coordination skill.
Source IGNCA Inventory of ICH, Janapada Sampada Division, IGNCA
Contributed by Aditya, CEE Ahmedabad
Sankheda Nu Lakh Kam: Lacquered turned wood furniture of Sankheda
Sankheda furniture is made of teakwood and painted in traditional colors of gold, silver, maroon, green, vermilion, and brown. This is a craft tradition so inherent in the collective identity of the practitioners that their town is named after it. Sankheda, in eastern Gujarat derives its name from 'sanghedu' meaning lathe in Gujarati. The process involves cutting teakwood pieces in specific sizes and then giving these shapes on a lathe. After shaping and smoothening, ornamental designs are made on this with a brush. There is a wide range of furniture items produced including child's cradles, child's walkers to chairs, tables, and large swings, a response unique to tropical and humid climate.
Source IGNCA Inventory of ICH, Janapada Sampada Division, IGNCA
Contributed by Prarthana Borah, CEE Ahmedabad