While world today is struggling to find methods to reduce wastage of agricultural produce especially of cereals and pulses and maintain quality during storage, the local communities and tribes have some indigenous methods for the same. The storage methods range from mud structures to modern bins. The containers are made from a variety of locally available materials differing in design, shape, size and functions. The materials used include paddy straw, wheat straw, wood, bamboo, reeds, mud, bricks, cow dung etc.
Kodagu is the second smallest district of Karnataka with an area of slightly more than 4000 sq.kms.The concept of Devarakadu or the Sacred Grove is a very popular tradition in Kodagu. Sacred groves exist all over India and in the rest of the world but what makes Kodagu unique is that this little district has probably the highest density of sacred groves in all of India with about 1214 that are officially listed. Almost every village has one or more sacred groves, while 14 villages have more than ten groves each and Thakeri village in Somwarpet Taluk has the largest number with 17 groves. (Kushalappa and Kushalappa 1996).
A paper by R. S Tripathi on the Sacred Groves of the North East states that declaring a patch of forest near the villages as sacred and protecting it on the grounds of religious and cultural beliefs is an age old practice with the tribal communities in the north-eastern hill region of India. There are a large number of sacred groves in the states of Meghalaya, Manipur and Karbi-Anglong area of Assam. These are among the few least disturbed forest patches in the region serving as the original treasure house of biodiversity.