Bakula Amabasya
'Bakula Amavasya' is popularly known as 'Vakula Amavasi'. It is observed during the month of December and January in Odisha. The festival is primarily dedicated to the Mango trees. During this period the mango tree blooms with the new seeds (in Odia it is known as Baula). Special food is prepared on the day and is being offered in temples. The food is also offered to Mango trees. The ritual is performed to get more mangoes during the season.
Bada Osa
A festival of fasting—Bada Osa is observed in every Hindu Oriya family in the month of November. It is primarily celebrated at Dhabaleswar temple in Cuttack district. This is followed by worship of the Lord with offering of Bhoga (i.e.the Prasad) named 'gajabhoga' (a sweet made up of milk derivatives) and 'attakali' (a local sweet dish with flour). After offering of 'bhoga', the Lord Jagannath used to adore the 'Bada Singhara Besha' which is one of the most pious occasions for the devotees. The rituals here relates to the story that Lord Indra had taken a holy dip here on full-moon day of in the month of Kartika to get rid of his leprosy which he was inflicted with after being cursed by Lord Brahma.
Chhau Dance
The Chhau dance is prevalent in the tribal belt of the bordering areas of the provinces of Orissa, Jharkhand and West- Bengal in eastern India. The dances are performed by many different communities such as as Mundas, Mahatos, Kalindis, Pattnaiks, Samals, Darogas, Mohantys, Acharyas, Bhols, Kars, Dubeys, and Sahoos, whereas the musicians come from the communities such as Mukhis, Kalindis, Ghadheis, Dhada.
Chitalagi Amabasya
Chitalagi or 'Chitaou Amavasya' is one such festival of Odisha which is being celebrated on the new moon day of the month 'Shravana' (August). On this day, in the temple of Jagannath, the deity bears a golden mark (Chita) on his forehead. A special variety of rice-cake known as 'Chitou Pitha' is being offered to the deity. It is in the primitive tradition to appease evil powers through worship whether they are animals, serpents, insects or plants. People worship and pray them to avoid their wrath. Therefore, during the festival the pilas (one species of molluscs) is appeased as a female form of evil power known as 'Gandeisuni' (Genda means Pila). The farmer girls go to the fields and while offering cakes pray. "Oh; Gandeisuni, be appeased and do not cut the legs of my father or brother who will be working in this field".
Cock Fight

Cockfight is a blood sport between two roosters (cocks), held in a ring called a cockpit. Two owners of the cock place their game cock in the cockpit. The cocks fight until one of them dies or is critically injured. Cockfighting is a favorite sport of people living in Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar and Balasore district of Odisha.
Dhanu Yatra
Dhanu Yatra is one of the significant festivals, celebrated in the east Indian state of Odisha. It is based on the exploits of Lord Krishna. In Dwapara Age, Lord Krishna appeared in Aryabarta with a view to destroy Kansa, the cruel king and the unjust Kauravas. The great exploits of Lord Krishna has been instrumental in the creation of folk tales, music, art, literature and mythology. Thus, Lord Krishna has become an integral part of our life, our culture and our civilization. Presently, the story from the point of the marriage between Devaki and Vasudeva until the death of Kansa forms the subject of many Dhanuyatras in Western Odisha.
Gotipua Nritya

The Gotipua system of dance of Odisha was performed by young boys dressed as girls. In this tradition one can detect jerking movements in place of smooth translations from one posture to another. Ray Ramananda the Governor of Rajamahachandri as a musician dancer and dramatist who taught dancing to a group of boys selected to enact his dance drama, jagannath Vallabha Nataka. It was performed in the Gotipua style.
Jhamu Yatra

'Jhamu Yatra' is the significant and popular festival of Goddess 'Mangala' and celebrated at Kakatpur block in Puri district of Odisha. It occurs on the first Tuesday of the sacred month of Vaisakh (April 14 to May 15) every year.
Rath Yatra

Ratha Yatra (Car Festival) is associated with Lord Jagannath, held at Puri in the state of Odisha, India. Ratha yatra, the Festival of Chariot celebrated every year at Puri, the temple town in Odisha, on the second day of shukla pakshya (waxing cycle of moon) of Ashadh Maas (3rd month in Lunar Calendar). Most of the city's society is based around the worship of Jagannath with the ancient temple being the fulcrum of the area.