Intangible Heritage Embodied

Author: D. Fairchild Ruggles, Helaine Silverman
Year: 2009 ISBN: 1441900713
Publisher: Springer
Archaeological research has long focused on studying tangible artifacts to build a picture of the cultures it examines. Equally important to understanding a culture, however, are the intangible elements that become part of its heritage.
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Assam

Author: Kishor K. Basa & Brinchi K. Medhi (Eds.)
Year: 2008 ISBN: 9788177021796
Publisher: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya manav Sangharalaya, Bhopal & Pratibha Prakashan
Dr. Birinchi Kr. Medhi and Kishore Kr Basa have published a wonderfully researched book - "the intangible cultural heritage of Assam". The book is based on research conducted by several scholars on various traditional and cultural heritage of various tribes of Assam.
Indigenous Knowledge, Natural Resource Management and Development: The Konda Reddi Experience

Authors: Kamal K. Misra; Kishor K Basa
Year: 2005
ISBN: 8177021117
Publisher: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal; Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi
The 2nd book in the series of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India, documents the rich indigenous knowledge, local practices of natural resource management and common property resources, and relates them to the process of development among the Konda Reddi of Andhra Pradesh, India.