Testing and Validation of Indigenous Knowledge: The Compas Experience from Southern India

Editors: A.V. Balasubramanian,K. Vijayalakshmi, Shylaja R. Rao and R. Abarna Thooyavathy. March 2011.
This publication provides an overview of efforts undertaken by COMPAS partners towards testing and validation of indigenous knowledge of health and agriculture. It encompasses varied themes includinglocal health traditions, ethnoveterinary traditions, bone setting practices and treatment for Malaria in the area of health and characterization of properties of indigenous seed varieties, disease resistance, seed treatment and methodology for rapid assessment of traditional agricultural practices.
Textile designs of the Boros of Northeast India

Authors: Rani Kakati Hazarika, Kabita Boro, Kishor Kumar Basa
Year: 2006 ISBN: 8177021230, 9788177021233
Publishers: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal
Original from the University of California
The 3rd book in the series of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India, tries to unfold the rich cultural heritage of the Boro-Kachari Tribe of Northeast India.
Textile Traditions of Northeast India: A Catalogue of M.C. Goswami Museum

Authors: Sankar K. Roy, Kishor K Basa (Gen. Edt.)
Year: 2008 ISBN: 978-81-7702-200-1, 9788177021233
Publishers: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal; Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi
Intangible Cultural Heritage of India - Series 9
The 9th book in the series of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India, is a catalogue of the textile materials collected from the seven sister's states of Northeast India comprising Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur and Tripura.
Teyyam: A divine dance tradition of Kerala

Authors: V Jayarajan
Year: 2008 ISBN: 8177021877 9788177021875
Publishers: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Mana
Sangrahalaya, Bhopal; Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi
The 7th book in the series of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India, contains an account of teyyam, a divine dance of north Kerala in which the performer after undergoing several rituals becomes a deity.
Traditional Knowledge in Contemporary Societies: Challenges & Opportunities

Authors: Kamal K Misra, Kishor Kumar Basa
Year: 2007 ISBN: 8177021419
Publishers: Indirā Gāndhī Rāshṭrīya Mānava Saṅgrahālaya, Bhopal and Pratibha Prakashan
The 5th book in the series of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India, comprises contributed articles presented at a seminar held on 27-28 February, 2006 convened at the Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad; with reference to India.
Tribal Myths & Legends of Orissa: The Story of Origins

Author: Tripathy, Biyotkesh, Basa Kishor K
Year: 2005 ISBN: 81-7702-100-1 9788177021004
Publishers: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal
The 1st book in the series of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India, illustrates translated transcribed oral folkloric tales from indigenous populations, as well as commentary on mythology in general and comparative creation myths in particular.
Tribes of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve and Their Indigenous Knowledge

Author: S N Chaudhary, R P Singh
Year: 2006 ISBN: 8177021249
Publishers: Pratibha Prakashan
Like other biosphere reserves, Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve in Madhya Pradesh is the abode of various tribal groups.
Tribes and Their Indigenous Knowledge: Implications for Development

Author: Choudhary, S N (edt.), Kishore K Basa(Gen.edt)
Year: 2008 ISBN: 978-81-7702-198-2
Publishers: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal; Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi
Intangible Cultural Heritage of India - Series 8
The 8th book in the series of Intangible Cultural Heritage of India, has articles on the current status of structure and functions of indigenous knowledge especially among tribes.
THAR: The Great Indian Desert

Author: R. C. Sharma
Year: 1998 ISBN: 81-7436-057-3
Publishers: Rolli Books Pvt Ltd
The pictorial publication has photographs and information about its people, shrubs, settlements, cities, architecture and culture. Many photographers have contributed for the publication. Photographs include those of castles, Havelies, places, sand dunes, landscape, domestic animals, paintings, wildlife, people and cultural occasions.
Contributed by: Santosh Gupta, CEE

This volume provides an overview of the immense variety and classical genealogy of the performing arts of Rajasthan and Jaipur. Because of its relative isolation, Rajasthan has not been subjected to the inundations of global popular culture to the same degree as other regions of India. It has been able to nurture and sustain traditional culture, all the while assimilating outside cultural forces without detriment to its own cultural inheritance. This volume delves into the myriad traditional musical and other performing arts which exist in Rajasthan and Jaipur. Performing Arts of Rajasthan was written by Vijay Verma in 2004 to celebrate the Jaipur Heritage International festival
Contributed by: Priyanka Sinsinwar, CEE West