Featuring the pantheon of Hindu gods and goddesses and stories from Ramayana and Krishna leela themes, the classic Tanjore paintings of Tamil Nadu present perfect harmony and rythm in composition and blending of colours. The speciality of Tanjore paintings, which originated in the courts of the Marhatta rulers of Thanjavur, lies in their ornamentation. Gold leaf, gilted metal pieces and semi-precious stones decorate and embellish the figures on the paintings.
Gujarat's rich culture, traditions and handicrafts is showcased in its full glory in Tarnetar's fair. This three day fair begins from 4th day of 1st quarter of Bhadravo month (as per the Indian Calendar) and continues for three days. It is being organized in Village Tarnetar of Surendranagar District near a temple of the Lord Shiva known as Trinetreshwar Mahadev Temple and therefore the fair sometimes is also known as Trinetreshwar Mahadev Fair.
Potters of Odisha still make earthen pots to be used in various religious and social functions. They are made in various shapes and sizes and are adorned with fish and flower motifs and geometrical designs. Horses and elephants in terracotta are made to meet local demands during religious occasions. These are offered to the village-goddess (grama-devati) to ward off diseases and dangers. The size ranges from six inches to three feet. The potter also makes clay toys and simple and appealing figures of human beings. They catch the essential characteristics of real-life creatures. Terracotta toys are made in every part of Odisha. The toys are simple in design and bear the traits of the locality in which they are produced.
Thangka is a vibrant painting on cloth, and can be rolled up. It invariably has vertical images, usually painted on cotton or linen, and rarely, silk. Thangkas first appeared in Tibet in the seventh and eighth centuries. Given the close ties Spiti, Lahaul and Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh have had with Tibet, these images soon appeared in Himachal's monasteries too.
The extraction and preparation of medicines from the animal parts is one of the major threats to the animal kingdom. In spite of insufficient scientific proofs, people of the Odisha and other parts of the country kill the animals in hope of getting some precious medicines.
The Dimasas who live in the glens and valleys of the lofty North Cacher Hills, are a culturally rich ethnic group of the North Eastern region of the country. Traditional knowledge of bioresources is a distinctive feature of the Dimasa tribe of Assam.
Transhumance is the seasonal movement of people with their livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In the mountain regions, this implies movement between higher pastures in summer and lower valleys in winter. Herders have a permanent home, typically in the valleys. Only the herds travel along with the people necessary to tend them. In the Indian Himalayan region, the Gujjars, Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir and the Gaddis of Himachal Pradesh are amongst those communities who practice transhumance every year.
Tholpavakoothu (thol = skin, pava = doll/puppet, koothu = play) is a unique shadow puppet theatre form of Kerala, preserved as a family tradition by the community of Pulavars. Dedicated to the Bhagavathy, it is performed during January to May in specially constructed theatres called Koothu Madam in front of the Bhagavathy temple. The performance usually lasts the whole night and is both a popular entertainment and a religious offering. The puppet plays are based on the Kamba Ramayanam and the language used is a dialect of Tamil mixed with Sanskrit and Malayalam words. The belief is that the story of Ramayana is staged so that Bhagavathy (goddess) can watch the story, especially Rama's victory over Ravana, which she missed as she was herself busy fighting Darika.