The National Archives of India is the repository of the non-current records of the Government of India and is holding them in trust for the use of administrators and scholars. It is an Attached Office of the Ministry of Culture. It was set up in March 1891 in Calcuttla (Kolkata) as the Imperial Record Department and subsequent to the transfer of the National Capital from Calcutta to New Delhi in 1911 it was shifted to its present building in 1926.
During the summer months of May/June, master craftsmen are invited to the National Bal Bhavan, Delhi to display their crafts and train children in them. Workshops for children are conducted at the National Bal Bhavan to acquaint them with their rich cultural heritage; create awareness regarding various traditional arts and crafts; and to motivate them to preserve and conserve their heritage.
National Cultural Fund (NCF) was set up in 1996 with the aim of mobilizing extra resources for heritage conservation. It was formally launched on 29th March, 1997.
NFSC is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, registered in Chennai dedicated to the promotion of Indian folklore research, education, training, networking, and publications. The aim of the Centre is to integrate scholarship with activism, aesthetic appreciation with community development, comparative folklore studies with cultural diversities and identities, dissemination of information with multi-disciplinary dialogues, folklore fieldwork with developmental issues and folklore advocacy with public programming events.
After the independence of India, First and Second Five Year Plans envisaged various projects and schemes for preservation and development of handicrafts. Establishment of a Crafts Museum was an integral part of this policy. The core collection of the Crafts Museum was put together in the 1950s and' 60z to serve as reference material for the craftsmen whose hereditary traditions were fading on the face of modern industrialization.
National Institute of Design ( NID) is internationally recognised as one of the foremost and trans-disciplinary institutions in the field of design education, research and training for over four decades. NID has played a key role as a catalyst in development and promotion of design in the Indian Handicrafts Industry.
The National Mission for Manuscripts was established in February 2003, by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture,Government of India. An ambitious project in its programme and mandate, the Mission seeks to unearth and preserve the vast manuscript wealth of India. India possesses an estimate of five million manuscripts, probably the largest collection in the world. These cover a variety of themes, textures and aesthetics, scripts, languages, calligraphies, illuminations and illustrations.
Website : www.namami.org
Contributed by: Janki, CEE
The National Research Laboratory For Conservation Of Cultural Property (NRLC) is a scientific institution of the Ministry Of Culture, Government Of India, dedicated to the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. The NRLC was established in 1976.
National School of Drama is a training institution set up to train students in the field of acting, direction and other aspects of theatre. The school conducts a three year residential diploma course.
In the early 1950's, in order to revive the lost glory and the heritage of ancient Nalanda Mahavihara, his Excellency Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of the Republic of India, declared that the ancient seat of Buddhist learning at Nalanda would be revived.