The Bamboo and Cane Development Institute was set up to cater to the changing design and technology needs of buyers and to provide support to artisans and craftsmen in these two aspects. The Institute conducts training programmes and workshops and acts as a resource centre. The Centre also facilitates the participation of artisans and craftsmen in trade fairs.
Banni, the famous natural grassland covering around 4600 sq. k.m., is one of the most beautiful landscape with ecological diversity, both flora and fauna. Muslim pastoral community called they, Maldhari, are living in this region with their animals, mainly Banni buffalo and Kankrej cow. Geologically, Banni region had emerged out of sea due to tectonic activities some thousand years ago. Soils deposited in this area from the rivers and rivulets, which helped in pushing sub-surface salinity downward as well as flushing out surface salinity towards sea and Greater Rann of Kutch.
Banglanatak Dot Com was established in 2000 by a group of people from diverse backgrounds - engineering, sociology, media, fine arts, literature, economics and theatre. The organization works across India for fostering community led development using culture based approaches. Key areas of work are Communication for Development (C4D), and development of community-based enterprise offering products and services based on heritage skills in performance arts and crafts. The organization's motto is "To preserve art, let the artists survive".
Bhagavathula Charitable Trust (BCT), founded by Dr.B.V.Parameswara Rao, is a non profit organization working towards the transformation of rural India. Active in the villages of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh since 1976, the organization believes in a participatory approach. Through integrated rural development programs, BCT have nurtured change agents within villages and created 'model' programs that have set standards across the world. The main areas of activity of BCT have been education, rehabilitation of the challenged, health care, agriculture research, wasted land development, livelihoods, revival of folk arts
The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, was founded in July,1917 in the honor of the work of Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarakar, the foremost pioneer of scientific Orientology in India. The Institute is engaged in research activity in the field of Orientology (study of the indigenous lore and wisdom of the ancient East or the 'Orient') with a vision to enlighten the world about the all - comprehensive knowledge generated in the East especially in India.
Bhaona is a presentation of the Ankiya Naat or one act play of Assam (ankia means óne' and naat means 'drama'). These plays have an orchestra comprising Gaayan (singers) and Baayans (instrumentalists). The orchestra is dressed in white while the actors wear glittering costumes to represent various kings, queens, demons and animals. The performers pass through an archway of lights, which is called Agni Garh.
Bharat Bhavan is multi art centre set up to create an interactive proximity between the verbal, visual and performing arts. Established and financed by Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bharat Bhavan provides space for contemporary expression, thought, quest and innovation; and a creative and thought provoking milieu to those who wish to contribute something new and meaningful, in contemporary scene in the fine arts, literature, theatre, cinema, dance and music.
Contributed by Aditya, CEE Ahmedabad.
With the aim of conducting studies on folk art, culture, songs and festivals of regions and to revive a vanishing folk culture, Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal was establised at Udaipur in Rajasthan in the year 1952.The centre conducts cultural surveys of folk and tribal belts to identify and locate folk art forms and also artists and artisans. Audiovisual documentation of the various folk forms is done regularly and the Institute now has a fine archive and a resource center.
The Bhasha Research and Publication Centre, Vadodara was established in 1996 as a voluntary organization for the study, conservation, and promotion of tribal languages, literature, history, culture, arts and crafts. It is also concerned with the socio-economic welfare of tribals and protection of their human rights. The organization works at present in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. Learn More
The Bhavai Government Museum is located in Vadnagar in North Gujarat. Its chief attraction is a hall that pays tribute to all the artists of the Nayak community who were known to perform the ancient bhavai.
The Birla Academy of Art and Culture was established in 1966. This eleven storied museum was established to promote the visual and performing arts and to provide a platform for upcoming and established artists; and to preserve the cultural heritage of the country. The museum has a rare collection of 500 International and 4500 Indian paintings.
Brij Lok Madhuri is an organization committed to the use of folk forms for communicating and addressing social issues and problems. Dr. Devendra Sharma Assistant Professor at California State University and a Nautanki artist along with his father, a renowned Nautanki artist Pundit Ram Dayal Sharma founded Brij Lok Madhuri. With the efforts of Dr. Sharma, Brij Lok Madhuri has pioneered in the use of folk performing traditions such as Nautanki for purposive social change.